Modulate your mood,
As you wish.
We use data detection and calculation to predict your mood and help you adjust your state.
Strat at anytime
Getting to know you
Give you the mood you want
Emotional problems, don't ignore them anymore
Poor mental health in students affects their “energy levels, concentration, dependability, mental ability, and optimism, hindering performance”. This is not only troublesome in the moment, but it might also jeopardize their futures. A 2017 study pointed to evidence that loneliness exacerbates mental health problems in students. Starting at an institution of higher learning can be a time of increased loneliness due to age, leaving home for the first time, and having to make new friends.
Our group consists entirely of international students, some of whom are in a new country for the first time in their lives, which can be tough sometimes. Therefore, we chose to focus on Sustainable Development Goal number three, good health, and well-being, with a more specific focus on loneliness.

Desk research
Students’ mental health can suffer when faced with loneliness. Digital solutions such as online communities and matching systems might help prevent loneliness. Research shows however, that it is often students’ own reservations and insecurities that prevent them from participating in, or using, these types of solutions.
In our user research we aim to find out more about what triggers loneliness, how people might use relationships to mitigate loneliness, and how people might deal with loneliness when they don’t have access to other people.
Formative user research
From preliminary discussions with user research participants, we learned that none of them necessarily felt that making more friends would help with their loneliness. Being lonely didn’t come from being alone, it was more nuanced than that.
We came up with the “anonymous asynchronous focus group,” a Mural board on which our participants could anonymously but collectively put their thoughts based on the questions posed at the top of the screen, without having to plan a specific time. We asked our participants whether they identify as introverted (blue), extroverted (orange), or unsure (green), and to post as many answers as they wanted.

Co-Creation Workshop
Loneliness appears to stem from other states of being such as stress, boredom, physical wellbeing, and external factors such as weather and time of day. Wondering how people might consider tackling loneliness if there were no limits to what’s currently possible.

We decided a co-creation workshop would help us with the ideation process. From a previously established list, we asked our participants to choose a loneliness trigger as well as a solution they might be interested in.


Postgraduate student

Edinburgh’s early nights and gloomy weather showed up consistently throughout our conversations with participants. A lack of light affecting people’s moods and sending them down the loneliness rabbit hole with distraction as their only way out. Perhaps we could help mitigate loneliness by modulating our users’ emotions.
We might connect user data and self-reported emotions to a recommendation system that creates a desired mood in the user’s space with the help of IoT devices for light, sound, scent, and temperature along with activity suggestions. The most straightforward way to collect relevant data was to create a mobile application to which the user might connect a host of other apps.
Click to enlarge

App icon





Modulate your mood,
As you wish.

Thank you for your time!
Team Members

Coco Huberts-Chu
MFA Design Informatics student University of Edinburgh
I was born in The Netherlands, and I did my undergrad in Web Design and New Media at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco, USA.
I specialize in Product Design.
Ideation, Information researching, Low fidelity prototype, User test, Copywriting, Video clipping

MFA Design Informatics student University of Edinburgh
I am from Beijing and now live in Edinburgh. I am a curious interaction designer who loves the intersection of design and technology.
Storyboard, 2.5D model design, Design style, high-fidelity prototype, Web construction